Sunday, March 23, 2008



it seems like lighters experiences some sort of self combustion and disappears after exploding into smithereens whenever i have hold of them. i'm lighting my cigarettes with the stove now, and even the kitchen stove lighter is dying on me.


Anonymous said...

ive used hot car engines, stoves, candles, anythings with a flame. the funnest is the stove, easy to brun off eyebrows that way, yes indeed. *caresses eyebrows*

kiyaa said...

@..@ i should be careful with that then. i totally never thought of the eyebrow! @_@ i'll think about it if i want a trim tho. lol

Anonymous said...

no offense or anything. just out of curiosity. since when u smoke. i done remember back in the days... ceh back in the days takleh blah. u oki stove... HAHAHAHa kasik goreng muka. how about get some bekalan mancis, simpan satu in every bag u have.

Anonymous said...

alamak typo. ape lah done... suppose to be don't

kiyaa said...

nab> lol. since sometime ago. U_U its bad yes. yep i'm going to go around with bekalan mancis now. muka dah hangus nak kasi hangus lagi dgn stove, haha!

The Art of Chin said...

ahhh orang malaysia ke? XD i love ur work,and i also love smoking hahah.We should smoke sometime :D