Monday, November 3, 2008

unwant dream

photoshop CS
gosh all those cigarettes.


Mohd. Fahmy b. Mohd Hashim said...

this is totally awesome.. dark mood.. u r versatile kiyaa!!!

warna warni ceria boleh, warna muram durja pun boleh.. i like ur style!! both happy n sad mood. keep up the good work!

may the force be with u!

kiyaa said...

amyk> wow, thank you so so much! i'm so happy for the comment. lukis ikut mood ni, sebab tu la warna pon ikut sekali, haha.

nak pikir pasal versatile, tak jugak, because i really don't usually have the patience on working on details (environment drawings etc) which i really really should work on. T_T

but thanks again! hugs ^_^